Chocolate Jelly Pudding

06 Dec

To those who have gone through my Blog,it would be fairly evident that I am not a connoisseur of dessert or anything that is sweet.I have lost my sweet tooth long time back,there fore my venture into this particular art is dreaded by Moi.One of these  food blog that boggles my mind is Hilda’s Food blog.She posts such terrific out of the world recipes and equally out of the world presentation of the same that even a  non sweet lover like me starts to drool.

One such posting was the Coffee Jelly Pudding which was posted recently took this as a cue and began conjuring an image of how I was gng to make this out of Chocolate since my family is not fond of coffee flavour.With Blessing of the originator ,I followed the procedure to the dots and cross only to modify the flavour and the proportion  of the ingredients to suit the flavour.Out come was an instant hit with my family,combination of Jelly and Chocolate is too good.Thank you Hilda.

Here are my ingredients:

  1. 3/4 tin Sweetened Condensed Milk (Carnations)
  2. 4 regular cups Water
  3. 6 tbsps. Hershey natural unsweetened cocoa powder.
  4. 4 tbsps Sugar
  5. 2 sachets Unflavored Gelatin

Method:(only for the benefit of ppl referring this page so they dont have to toggle between pages-as mentioned i followed Hildas procedure to the Dot)

  1. Soak gelatin in one cup water.
  2. Place a dish with water on stove and bring to boil.Place the water mixed gelatin in this and dissolve the gelatin uniformly,by stirring it.
  3. Dissolve Cocoa powder in the remaining three cups of warm water. Divide the cocoa liquor into two equal portions.
  4. Add half of the dissolved gelatin and sugar to one portion.
  5. Keep aside this Dark cocoa jelly.
  6. To other half of the cocoa liqueur add sweetened condensed milk &  remaining gelatin. Mix well to get light cocoa  jelly mixture.
  7. In a glass bowl pour  1/2 inch layer of black cocoa jelly & chill until set(to do chilling and setting at first i placed the bowl in freezer for 10-15mts,I then realized that I could get the same affect by placing it in the regular refrigeration section).
  8. Then pour a ½ inch layer of light cocoa jelly over the set dark cocoa jelly. Chill in the fridge again.
  9. Stir each of the jelly mixture well before layering.
  10. Similarly, alternate layers until both the jelly is used up. Chill until set.
  11. When its time to serve ,Dip  Glass bowl along with its lid  in hot water to loosen the Chocolate pudding. Invert & unmould gently onto a plate.
  12. Cut into sufficiently thick slices.p

A word of advice:To remove from mould do not place in warm water,it does not work.Place in hot water and do not place it there too long,the Jelly begins to melt if kept too long.About a mt should do.


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Posted by on December 6, 2011 in Desserts


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